Articles by the cybersecurity community

Book Project

I have been working on the DEMYSTIFY CYBER project for some time on how to make 'cyber' more easily understood by all users of technology so that everyone can be supported to better understand cybercrime and cyber security. This includes the blog, merchandise and also my first book which was published in January 2020!

See more about my book from this link><

14 February 2020

I am working on a book about some of the the amazing contribution women have made to technology and computing, dating back to the 1700s. There will also be a companion colouring-in book with my sketches of some of these women.

12 January 2020 - Unmasking the Hacker is Published!

Very happy to say the book is available for sale on Amazon.

Kindle Australia - Unmasking the Hacker

Paperback from Kindkle USA -  Umasking thr Hacker paperback

1 January 2020

I took a break from editing and rewrites of my book over the holidays and back at it now! I hope to have the book ready to upload to publish on Amazon by the end of January 2020. Thanks everyone for all the support so far for my book.

December 2019 

Still working on my draft and I have also started on edits. Still on track to publish in January 2020. Also working on tweaking the book cover. I am using a great editing tool, it has a free trial, have a look at it here >> Prowritingaid - Your Personal Writing Coach <<

picture of the book cover draft, dark blue and green stylised hoody wearing person at a computer
Tweaking the cover image

November 2019 

I am working on my draft and will hopefully have it ready for final edits and publishing be January 2019. Keep an eye on this page and on my twitter account @empressbat for updates!

picture of draft book cover blue font and blue picutre on white words 'unmasking the hacker' below the words is a stylised picture of an empty hole where the face should be covered by a hoody and lines and squiggles coming from isnde the hood
Draft book cover for work in progress November 2019