From Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - image owner unknown |
Ransomware event actions
1. Stay Calm, isolate the compromised assets - communicate
2. Investigate/ Analyse – communicate
What is the scope of this incident? – All machines? The entire network? One team? One person/ one computer? When was this first noticed? What is the malware and how did it infect the assets? What was the vector?3. Contain and Eradicate -communicate
Make sure relevant people are informed, do you need to notify your businesses' media team? Will you be making a police report? Cyber security teams may need to access the compromised assets to analyse further, infrastructure areas may need to locate their backups (hopefully they have them!) and ensure the back up is clean. The network and any compromised assets neet to be throughly cleansed of the malware, to ensure it isn't sitting there waiting to return. Check for exploitable vulnerabiblties and ensure everything is patched, have passowrds been changed, was their any data exfiltrated?Any impacted users need to be kept in communicated with in a timely fashion and given the approrpiate level of detail for their needs.