Articles by the cybersecurity community

Showing posts with label conferences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conferences. Show all posts

Cybersecurity Conference - #AusCERT 2021 goes hybrid

 AusCERT, Australia's pioneer cyber emergency response team, has its twentieth conference in May 2021.

blue background stylised image of earth with Australian the middle white font ' AusCERT 2021 cyebrsecurity conference' in purple font '20th year'

Not letting the uncertainties of a global pandemic stop them, the team at AusCERT have created a hybrid delivery for the 2021 conference.

I will be attending virtually, as will some members of my team, we are thrilled to be able to attend without phsyically being there and hope to see hybrid conferences such as this continue way past the uncertain times of the pandemic.

The twentieth AusCERT conference has the theme, 'Soaring with cyber' and features a diverse mix of more than fifty presenters who will be speaking on a wide range of topics, so there will be something of interest to everyone there.

blue background white text 'soaring with cyber'

AusCERT are passionate about supporting their members, the communtiy and the nation against cybercrime, if you want to know more about them and what they do please go to their website at this link: AusCERT

AusCERT Innovates with its first ever Virtual conference - we can be heroes - excerpt from article

The article was originally published on LinkedIn- and can be seen in it's entirety on that platform at this link Article about AusCERT's first virtual conference [NOTE you need to be logged into the LinkedIn platform to view the article.]

The folowing is an excerpt  of that article 

AusCERT Innovates with its first ever Virtual conference

This year really needed some normality, and the loss of so many industry conferences due to the pandemic, was taking even more of that away. Also conferences are a good way to learn new skills and understand other perspectives, so the lack of industry conferences (for any profession) due to this virus adds to the general malaise the world is blanketed with. In comes AusCERT, swooping in like a super hero (but minus the badly fitting tights and improbable costume changes) to bring us an amazing four day event in cyberspace.
Overcoming the challenges of delivering workshops remotely without the class physically present, the AusCERTconference tutorial days saw great success. Some attendees had feedback that the facilitators could have improved their offerings by communciating with participants prior to the workshops to ensure any virtual machines or downloads were done ahead of time, but that is all a learning experience, and the facilitators will know how to improve if they are ever faced with virtual workshops in the future - and odds are they will be!
The presenters and topics were diverse and there were enough variations on topics to be of use and of interest to a variety of people from a variety of professions. The sheer diversity of presenters and presentations added so much richness to the conference and the fact that the whole conference was played to people not geographically located together was amazing.

cartoon boy - A. Turner 2020 | Avengers comic image - Avengers #48, Marvel Comics, 1963