Articles by the cybersecurity community

10 cybersecurity essentials for individuals

If you use connected or connectable technology in any form it is essential you do what is in your power to help protect your information, finances and accounts. Although cyber security can seem daunting, it is just another avaneue of life we need to learn to be secure in. From a young age you may have learned about keys and locking doors, or looking both ways before crossing a street, let's make cybersecurity as easy to understand! 

Here is a list of some achievable basic cybersecurity essentials to consider.

  1. Keep software patched
  2. Use reputable and up to date antivirus software
  3. Use strong unique passwords – do not reuse passwords
  4. Use 2FA or MFA wherever possible
  5. Be vigilant about phishing, vishing and smishing scams, and those seeking to groom you or your children
  6. Protect your Personally Identifiable Infomration (often reffered to as PII) and understand how to help others protect theirs
  7. Be cautious what you download or on what links you click
  8. Back up data regularly and store offline
  9. Review online accounts and credit reports
  10. Take care what you post online about your job, accesses, location

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